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How To Write a Synopsis for an Assignment
October 19, 2022
Author : Kristy

When it comes to writing a synopsis for an assignment or paper, a lot goes into it. You want to make sure your thesis statement is clear and concise, but at the same time, it can't be so long that it makes the reader give up after three seconds of scanning. This brings everyone to the next part of this article: how to write a synopsis for an assignment.

Admittedly, the task of writing a synopsis for an assignment seems daunting. The problem is most students have never done it before in their academic lives. However, if you are prepared to make a few changes to your approach as an experienced writer, putting aside the stress and anxiety of trying something new, you can write an excellent synopsis for an assignment that will not only help you feel better about yourself but also boost your grades.

What is Synopsis for an Assignment?

An assignment is a written piece of work that is assigned to you. It can be a piece of writing, research, or assessment. A research paper is the most common type of assignment, and it is also known as a thesis. A research paper can be done in three different ways:

Goal of Synopsis Writing

1. An analytical essay

This type of essay focuses on analyzing a particular topic and then presenting a clear and logical analysis.

2. A descriptive essay

This type of essay focuses on describing the topic you are studying in some detail using specific details so that your reader knows exactly what you're talking about.

3. A persuasive essay

This type of essay focuses on convincing your readers by making arguments based on facts, logic, and evidence to support your claims and opinions.

Examples of Synopsis for an Assignment

Example 1:

The assignment is to write a short synopsis for the following piece of writing:

"The Place of the Bible in Secondary Education."

The main purpose of this assignment is to help students understand that they must not just read the Bible but also learn how to apply it. The description of article contains brief descriptions of four primary topics that are discussed in detail. They are Textual Criticism, Historical Criticism, Hermeneutics and Exegetical Methods, and Theological Interpretation. In addition, several citations can be used as references when writing a thesis or paper on this subject matter.

Example 2:

The assignment is to write a synopsis for a novel. The novel is called "The End of the Beginning" by Ken Kesey. The synopsis should include the following:

  • The main character and his or her role in the story.
  • A brief description of the setting.
  • How many pages does it take up? (Use word count)
  • What genre does it fall under? (Use genre codes from the American Library Association)

Example 3:

Thesis: Modernity has been shaped by the emergence of new technologies and the growth of global networks.

Modernity is a process, not an event. It begins with the birth of new technologies, but it does not end there. The modern world is characterized by constant change and innovation. Each invention or discovery leads to a new way of thinking about society, politics, and economics.

The modern world is characterized by an increasing diversity of social relations. In place of traditional hierarchies based on birth and wealth, new forms of authority have emerged in which people's achievements are rewarded through competition for prestige and power. In place of traditional religions based on supernatural forces, people now turn to science as the best means for understanding how things work in this world.

How do write Synopsis for an Assignment?

When you are writing a synopsis, you should start with the most important details of your assignment. The length of your synopsis also depends on the scope and nature of your assignment.

To write a good synopsis, you need to know the following:

  1. The name of the task or assignment.
  2. The main idea that you want to present in your summary.
  3. The audience for whom it is written.
  4. If there is any specific format for writing your summary, then it should be followed to make it more effective and attractive.

Now let's have a look at the following ways:

  • Write a summary of the assignment, including the title and your name.
  • Cite the relevant parts of the textbook or other reference materials that you have used in preparing your response. (If none, simply cite your instructor.)
  • State briefly the main argument you want to make and how it will support your thesis statement (if one exists).
  • Provide a summary statement that clearly states your position and is supported by evidence from statistics, other sources, etc., which is relevant to your assignment topic.
  • Write a conclusion that restates your thesis statement and summarizes your argument.
  • Provide a list of references that supports your response and provides a bibliography. If you have not already done so, this is the time to create a bibliography of all sources you have used in preparing your response.
  • Proofread and edit your response, paying particular attention to spelling and grammar.
  • Save a copy of your response in a separate file on your computer so that you have an electronic backup in case the original paper is lost.

Tips Synopsis for an Assignment

To write a synopsis for an assignment, follow these steps:

  • Write down all the important points you want to include in your paper.
  • Gather all the information that you will need for your assignment and make a list of it.
  • If there are any main points or sub-points that you want to emphasize, put them at the beginning of each paragraph so they stand out more easily. (You can also use bold or italics if you wish.)
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs to help keep your writing interesting and flowing well.
  • Be sure that your thesis statement is clear and concise, though it can be modified as needed during the writing process if you find yourself coming up with more details than expected while writing your thesis statement or introduction paragraph!
  • If you are writing a five-paragraph essay, be sure that each of your paragraphs has at least one sub-point. This will help keep your essay organized and easy to follow.
  • Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly together or to place emphasis on certain points by making them stand out more clearly from the rest of what you have written.
  • Avoid using too many adjectives or adverbs as this can make your writing seem overly descriptive rather than concisely describing what needs to be said for your readers to understand you well enough that they can draw their conclusions from what they read.

Synopsis for an assignment help in Canada

Want to Get Synopsis Assistance under Your Budget?

Scholars are given a lot of assignments during their academic pursuits, and one of the key instruments in them is synopsis writing. A Synopsis helps them to write a summarized form of content for anything. That's why it becomes a bit challenging for scholars because they might miss any relevant information while writing a synopsis. To overcome such situations, My Assignment Services provides assignment help to scholars. These experts have extensive knowledge and experience in academic writing, which enables students to achieve high grades on their assignments. If you need assignment assistance, get in touch with us by just filling up a form on our website. And, soon you will receive a call from our customer support team.

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About the Author


Hi! I am a passionate writer with 3 years of experience in academic writing and over 2 years of experience as a professional blogger. I aim to provide academic solutions which add to the grades of the students as well as to their learning. I’m working with My Assignment Services since 3 years, during which I have always worked for the benefit of the students by providing them quality work.


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