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The world of humans was never simple. Humans have always been involved in committing a crime and being a victim of crime. Therefore, a criminology research paper homework helps the students in developing the necessary skills, understand what path other people have taken up and formulate their understanding based on the same. The students begin their assignments by outlining what criminology is, what is the impact of the same on society and other fundamentals. These are the wrong approaches with which you begin writing your assignment with. Criminology assignments that begin with the definition or basic concept are considered as one written just for the sake of submission. Why do we say this and go against the rest of the world? Because we know that any homework task is focused to develop your understanding of the subject. The professor already knows that you know the basics. So, why repeat something in your criminology essay that you already know and waste precious words on something that the professor is not interested to read?

We Know What We Are Dealing With

Here are a criminology question and answer example. This is a sample of an assignment sent to us by a student. The below criminology assignment sample is a debate-type assignment. Criminology Assignment Sample There were four topics to choose from and the experts had to define any one of them based on the requirements mentioned above. Our team of professionals explored the number of theories that revolve around criminology. The primary ones are explained below that we have a team of experts in.

Criminology Assignment Help And Theories

Many theories have been formulated over the years which are used to explain why a crime is committed and why criminals emerge in a society. It is not that people are born criminals, is it? The criminology assignments (whether a criminology essay or criminology question and answer) should be visualized with the following theories and you will be good to go.

Rational Choice Theory

In criminology, this theory says that every person values the options available and then makes the choice. They weigh the means they have and the ends they have to fulfil, they weigh the costs it will incur and the benefits they will derive. Only after that will the person make a rational decision. Where do our criminology research paper homework help experts come from? We have onboard specialists who know that the following assumptions are necessary for a successful rational theory –
  • A rational human being
  • The rationality in this context means calculating the means and end
  • The person always makes a decision using the cost-benefit analysis
ice-cream favours

Rational Choice Theory to choose from a number of ice-cream favours

Labelling Perspective

If you ever wonder how to write a criminology essay, then this theory is what can get you started. Labelling means giving a predefined designation to someone. So, this theory means that the behaviour of a person is influenced by the terms that are used to define them. It may sound absurd but if you regularly call someone a thief, it is likely that they will surely become one. You can also think of this as analogous to stereotyping. Our criminology assignment help experts say that society often uses harsh terms for criminals, like the murderer, rapist, child abuser, and others. This practice is not constructive for the people. The continuous application of a label on the person will modify the behaviour of the labelled person.

Conflict Theories

The conflict theories are the viewpoints in sociology that stress a materialist understanding of historical events, the dialectical method of evaluation, critical thinking about the social barricades that exist today and reforms. These theories bring to light the difference in power. For example, the conflict between various classes of society. The criminology research paper homework helps the students in analyzing the fact that people commit crimes because there is always a limitation to the number of resources available. History is evident, the desires of humans have always surpassed their resources. This has created a scarcity of resources and hence, gave birth to crime. The conflict theory is also useful to judge wars, revolutions and insurgency. Chess

Chess, an example of Conflict Theory where every piece has different and limited power.


Positivism is a system which only identifies the activities that can be explained using logic, or have an explanation or a mathematical proof. People use this theory to determine the crimes and the motives behind them. You can also say that Sherlock Holmes uses this approach to solve his crimes. Fascinating, isn’t it? The criminology assignment help professionals believe that society also operates around a set of rules and laws.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas Help

Given below are a few of the topics on that you can write your criminology dissertation.
  • Labelling and delinquency: A self-fulfilling prophecy?
  • Anti-Muslim hate crime in the wake of 9/11: A UK perspective
  • Racist abuse towards international students: A case study comparison between the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University
  • Animal activism – Does the end justify the means?
  My Assignment Services is a team of dedicated professionals who bring to you unblemished Law assignment writing guidance for assignment types. Our vast experience and subject expertise allow us to bring to the table the best criminology assignment help at the most affordable prices. Send your query to [email protected] now!

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