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what does an exclamation point mean in math
June 21, 2024
Author : Alex

Do you know the purpose of an exclamation point in math? If you are a math or statistics student, you might have come across this exclamation point quite often. Does it make you scratch your head in confusion and frustration? Have you tried to learn about it but are failing to do so? What about we provide a brief overview of the exclamation point, specifically related to mathematics? Want to know the answers to all of the asked questions? Then, keep reading further to learn more about it!

So, what does an exclamation point mean in math, and why is it significant; we will share the basic background information on it. The knowledge you learn today will help you solve mathematical problems. This is going to help you in solving a particular problem in the chapter on combinatorics or frequency permutation and combinations. The exclamation point in math is really different from the point we use in general language. It is such a big and significant part of mathematics. Learning this is easy but requires careful consideration and attention. 

exclamation point in math

What is an Exclamation Point in Math?

The exclamation point in math refers to denoting factorials and the factorial operation. Denoted as n!, it is the factorial of a non-negative integer that is the product of all positive integers that are either less than or equal to n itself. In a general language sense, an exclamation point is used to indicate surprise; it is something different in maths. The exclamation point in mathematics can be used in other situations, such as denoting sub-factorials that are related to derangements or in some notation systems for hyperoperations. However, the exclamation point is related to the factorial function in the most common usage scenario.

Factorial Function

As we learned about what does an exclamation point mean in math, it is directly related to the usage of factorials. But what are factorials and their characteristics? Factorials are fundamental theoretical studies in the chapters of combinatorics, probability theory, and other areas of mathematics where counting, permutations and combinations. A factorial function in mathematics is a mathematical operation that represents the product of all positive integers from number 1 up to n when the factorial is denoted as n! It will be -

n! = n X (n - 1) X (n - 2) X . . . X 3 X 2 X 1

Here, n is a non-negative integer, and by convention, 0! will be defined as 1.

As per the information from an online assignment helper, understanding the factorial function can be quite easy. The mentor provides the following example to break it down into simpler explanations to provide clarity:

  • 5! = 5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1 = 120
  • 3! = 3 X 2 X 1 = 6
  • 0! = 1

In terms of growth rate, these functions grow rapidly with the increase in n. For example - 10! = 3,628,800 and 20! will be approximately 2.43 X 1018. There are wider applications to the factorial function in terms of when there is an exclamation point in math:

  • You can calculate the permutations and combinations from factorials
  • Calculate the number of possible outcomes in a scenario with factorials
  • Factorials appear in series expansions, and some special functions

Where is it Used in Mathematics?

The exclamation point, which is a part of factorial functioning, is widely used in mathematics. These are especially useful for the mathematics chapters dedicated to advanced algebra or calculus. Knowing which chapters it belongs to and providing what kind of application will help in determining the particular use case of exclamation points and knowing what does an exclamation point mean in math. Here are some examples of the particular chapters you can find the exclamation mark (or factorial) in your curriculum:


This branch of mathematics deals with counting, arranging and selecting objects. Combinatorics uses factorials as a significant component of mathematics since these are used to calculate permutations (also called arrangements) and combinations (also called selections) of the objects.


It involves arranging objects in a specific order. For distinct objects denoted as n, there are n! ways to arrange and present these objects. As per the mentor providing maths assignment help to the students, permutations and factorial functioning are directly related to each other.


In the case of combinations, the use of factorial functioning (exclamation mark), the number of objects and their combinations n can be taken as k at a time. Combinations also use factorials where the order of selection does not matter.


The factorial functioning (the use case of exclamation marks in the scenarios) plays an important part in calculating the probability of certain combinations and permutations, making it a significant component of this branch of mathematics.

Series & Limits

In terms of finding an exclamation point in math for the series and limits, these factorial functionings also appear in series expansions such as the Taylor series and the definition of special functionings such as the Gamma function.

How About Professional Advice to Help you Out?

While understanding the exclamation points or factorial functioning usage can sometimes be tricky. In such cases, you can be assured that My Assignment Services is here to help you! With the help of the academic mentors we have in our team, you will be able to learn the concepts of mathematics and related subjects. Since the use case of exclamation points can also occur in the statistical parameters, you will also be able to find a dedicated subject expert working as your statistics assignment helper.

With our assistance, you will be able to find valuable information on core concepts and theories with our available resources. Similar to the availability of relevant resources for the students, opting for our service will also reward you with value-added services such as having multiple revisions from the mentor for understanding the concepts, one-to-one feedback sessions on your assignment, and much more. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. Sign-up now!

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About the Author


Hello! I have an interest for writing since my college days and hold a relevant experience of four years in academic writing. I’m passionate about words, grammar, punctuation and style and I’ve been known to engage in lengthy discussions about hyphens and compound modifiers as it actually interests me. People call me enthusiastic, optimistic and outgoing. I believe in helping the students with their lengthy assignments which is one of the reason I’ve been associated with My Assignment Services.


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